Spotting the Signals: When to Bring in Arborists for Tree Removal

Arborists know how to trim trees and keep them healthy. However, there comes a time when trimming isn’t enough and a tree needs to be removed. Trees sometimes needs more than just a trim to stay healthy. Despite their resilience, there are telltale signs when a tree’s health is compromised and removal becomes necessary.

Recognising these signs can prevent potential hazards and preserve the safety of both property and individuals. From decayed branches to dying leaves and damaged roots, understanding when to engage arborists for removal is crucial. Let’s delve into the indicators that signify it’s time to seek professional intervention.

1. Damaged or decayed branches

Trees that are severely damaged or decayed can pose a safety risk. If you notice a significant split in the trunk, limbs that are breaking off, or fungus growing on a tree, it’s time to call an arborist for an inspection. In some cases, corrective pruning or root barriers may help to mitigate the damage, but if the tree is in danger of collapse, removal is the best option.

If a tree is leaning towards the driveway or backyard, it’s important to take note of this as well. Leaning trees can become a hazard and may fall on cars, houses or people.

If you notice holes forming in the trunk of your trees or see fungus and mushrooms growing on them, this is a sign that they are dying. Depending on the extent of the decay, a tree may be able to recover, but it’s best to consult a Melbourne tree removal expert to find out for sure. If a tree is in danger of failing, it’s best to remove it right away to prevent a serious accident.

2. Dead or dying leaves

When a tree’s leaves turn brown or fall off, that’s a clear sign it’s dying. The reason behind this is that the tree can’t feed itself anymore since the leaves are no longer absorbing sunlight and nutrients.

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Another indication that a tree is dying is when you see an increase in pest activity. Termites, beetles, and ants tend to make themselves at home near dead or dying trees. They’ll dig tunnels underneath the roots and eat away at the roots and bark. A woodpecker pecking at the tree more often than usual might also be an indicator of pest activity, as these birds seek out insects to eat.

You should also keep an eye out for mushrooms and fungus growing on the trunk of a tree. These fungi thrive in areas that are damp, such as the inside of a dying or dead tree. If you notice these signs, it’s time to call an arborist tree removals for a second opinion. They may be able to save the tree with pruning or by providing it with support.

3. Dead or dying limbs

Trees naturally shed limbs, especially as they grow larger. However, when a large number of brittle branches are dropping from a particular section of your yard, it is a sign that the tree may be dead.

Another sign that a tree might be dying is if it has a fungus or moss growing on its trunk. This is a common symptom of death in trees because it means that the inner tissue is rotting.

It is also a sign that the roots of the tree have been injured. Root trauma is often caused by construction projects or even lawn mowing. When the roots of a tree are damaged, the tree will have trouble feeding itself.

If a tree is showing signs of death, it is important to act quickly. This is particularly true if the tree is located in a highly visible location where it could fall and damage property or people. However, if the dead tree is in a natural area, it can be left behind to become a habitat for wildlife and other plants.

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4. Damaged or decayed trunk

While most trees will lose twigs and small branches during storms, larger branches falling more frequently than normal is a sign that the tree is dying. If large, dead limbs begin to drop from a healthy-looking tree, it’s time to call in tree removalists for an inspection.

Peeling bark, hollow cavities, and conks (mushroom or fungi growth) on trunks are all signs that the tree is deteriorating. A tree with these conditions is on the decline and may fall at any time.

Root damage is another clear indication that a tree is deteriorating and should be removed. Severed roots limit water and nutrient uptake, eliminate stored energy and compromise structural integrity.

While it can be difficult to let go of a beloved tree, if it is posing safety hazards or spreading disease, it’s best to remove the unhealthy tree before it causes serious damage. A certified arborist can assess a damaged or decayed tree and recommend the appropriate course of action. If you’re concerned that your neighbors aren’t taking steps to address a hazardous tree on their property, speak with them directly about the situation. Explain that your property is at risk and suggest they hire a professional to inspect the tree and follow the recommendations for removal. They can easily call or book a schedule at

5. Damaged or decayed roots

When a tree has suffered damage or decay, it’s important to look at the roots as well. This is because the root system supports the rest of the tree. If the roots are damaged or decaying, it can make the entire tree unstable and a hazard to people, pets, and vehicles.

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If you’re seeing changes in soil levels around a tree’s base, this could be an indication of damaged or decayed roots. Also, be on the lookout for a tree that leans in one direction. This is a sign that the roots are failing and the tree cannot support itself anymore.

Arborists can test the condition of a tree’s roots by poking around with a tool or probe. Sound wood feels hard and unyielding when poked while decaying or dead wood will crumble or allow a tool to penetrate easily. The pattern of root damage, the smell, and the color of the roots can help arborists determine a diagnosis. In some cases, a specialised root barrier or pruning may save a tree, but in other situations, the removal of the tree is necessary.

The health of our trees is not to be overlooked, as they are integral to our environment and safety. Recognising the signs of a tree in distress is the first step in ensuring the well-being of our surroundings. From decayed branches to damaged roots, each indicator warrants attention and, if necessary, professional intervention. Arborists possess the expertise to assess and recommend the appropriate course of action, whether it’s corrective pruning, root barriers, or tree removal. By acting promptly upon these signals, we not only safeguard our properties but also contribute to the longevity of our green spaces, fostering a healthier and safer environment for all. So, let’s stay vigilant and ensure our trees thrive for generations to come.